Reparacion de Hornos de Induccion
Maquinaria Industrial y Metalmecanica
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WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324
VENTA DE MAQUINARIA Informes: Tel: (55)9530-1503, 5517-1164, 5517-3844 Whatsapp: 55-9185-7324 FRESADORA VERTICAL TREE LOCALIZADA EN TOLUCA NOVIEMBRE 2024 EXCELENTES CONDICIONES Fresadora Vertical Marca Tree Journeyman Modelo 310 Tipo rodilla Mesa: 10" x 44" Motor 2hp Desplazamiento en X: 27” Desplazamiento en Y: 14” Levante en Z: 5” Levante de Rodilla: 15.75” Garganta: 14.1” Incluye: Transformador 230V y 460V Herramental de cambio rapido Ericsson (22 piezas) PRECIO: $85,000.00 + IVA (PESOS) EXCELENTES CONDICIONES WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria FRESADORA UNIVERSAL Marca Van Norman, Modelo IR-3-22. Mesa: 42” x 10”, motor 3hp, Recorrido 21” x 11”, 14 velocidades, 55-2000 RPM. Incluye Prensa de Sujeción Precio: $120,000.00 WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria SIERRA CINTA VERTICAL Marca Roll-In Modelo EF1459 Garganta: 8-3/4”, altura 14-1/4” Capacidad: Redondo 8.5” diam, Rectangular: 14.5” x 8.5” Miter: 0° a 45” Motor: 1 hp Precio: $28,000.00 WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria TALADRO DE COLUMNA VERTICAL Marca: REXON Modelo RDM-270F 20 1/2”, Capacidad: 1”. 9 velocidades Precio: $16,000.00 WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria TALADRO VERTICAL ENGRANADO Marca Sanchez Blanes Modelo: TC25mm 3/4 CV, Incluye prensa de sujecion. Precio: $35,000.00 WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria TORNILLO DE BANCO Uso pesado, mordaza 21cm de ancho Incluye mesa metalica Precio: $7,000.00 WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria TORNILLO DE BANCO Uso pesado, mordaza 17cm de ancho Vimalert. Incluye mesa metalica Precio: $10,000.00 WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria MONTACARGAS YALE Capacidad 3.5 ton Gasolina Incluye juego de uñas estandar y uñas largas Precio: $180,000.00 WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria POLIPASTO ELECTRICO Capacidad 1 ton Elevacion de cadena. Izaje 5 metros 120V, control, trolley manual Precio: $32,000.00 WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria MARCO GRUA PARA POLIPASTO 3 TON Equipado con garrucha de 3 ton con trolley y 5 toneladas marca Columbus Mackenney Precio: $23,500.00 WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria TURBINA TIPO JAULA DE ARDILLA Equipo nuevo Diametro exterior: 282 Flecha 2” Largo: 32.5” Plato central Precio unitario: $30,000.00 WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria INYECTORA DE PLASTICO SANDRETTO 220 Toneladas Serie 9. Platinas 860mm x 860mm Distancia entre postes 585mm x 585mm Robot Maschio Dos Unidades Disponibles, localizadas en Mexico WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria HORNO DE INDUCCION TIPO HOLDING (FUNDICION)
Marca Ajax Magnetermic.
Para Fundicion de Materiales No Ferrosos.
Incluye casco de horno con bobina, tablero de control. Basculamiento Capacidad 500 libras.
Fuente de potencia de 25 (holding)y 72 KW (fusion).
60 ciclos. Unidad reconstruida.
Equipo seminuevo.
Precio: US$14,500.00 MAS IVA
WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324, 5517-1164Localizado en Toluca TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria EQUIPO DE CALENTAMIENTO POR INDUCCION
INTERPOWER 40KW SHAFT INDUCTION HARDENER Numero de serie: 3376-01 1205
Voltaje Entrada: 480V 46.6 KVA 3 PH
Voltaje Salida 800V 40KW
1 PH
Modelo Power-Link 7.0
Scanner de piezas Precio: $238,000.00 MAS IVA
Localizado en Toluca WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324
Numero de serie: C6676
2009, Modelo: 1X 0.33UF TYPE
400-480 Volts
Mesa de trabajo incluida, marca Presto. Precio: $39,800.00 MAS IVA (PESOS) Localizado en Toluca WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria EQUIPO DE CALENTAMIENTO POR INDUCCION
SEIT 10 KW MODELO# 1TSC Numero de serie: 100509952
Incluye bobinas de induccion 3 fases, 480-500V
Peso: 725LBS
Precio: $49,999.00 MAS IVA (PESOS) Localizado en Toluca Tel: 55-9530-1503 Whatsapp: 55-9185-7324 VENDIDO - GRACIAS HORNO DE INDUCCION - CASCOS DE HORNO CON BOBINA DOS UNIDADES DISPONIBLES - LISTAS PARA CONEXION A CONTROL (no incluido) Modelo NCT0.16 1600 grados C. 80 KW, 380V,60Hz. 160 kgs Incluye aramzon para basculamiento Precio: $128,000.00 MAS IVA (PESOS) EXCELENTES CONDICIONES Localizado en Toluca WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria HORNO DE DESHIDRATACION IMS - ELECTRICO
Horno deshidratador de plasticos.
Marca IMS (USA)
Modelo 125760
Horno de conveccion, temperatura maxima 325 grados F.
Para un maximo de 10 charolas de 31.5 libras de plastico (styrene)
18 amp, 230V, 60Hz, 1 fase.
Peso aproximado: 600 libras
Localizado en Toluca
WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria CORTADORA DE PLASMA - GRABADORA THERMAL ARC MODELO. PAK10XR Primario: 30 Amps, 460V, 3 fases, 60Hz Secundario: 100 Amps @ 110V Precio: $25,000.00 + IVA (PESOS) Localizado en Toluca WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria SOLDADORA DE ARCO Marca SuperDelta Modelo SD250 250A Precio: $900.00 LOTE DE HERRAMIENTAS DE CORTE PARA MAQUINADO Y ENGRANES Pide la lista completa: Whatsapp: 55-9185-7324 Venta por pieza o por lote, hasta agostar existencias. Material nuevo Brocas de Sanco Conico Tarrajas Machuelos Cortadores Fresa Madre Contrapuntos Fresa Helicidal Localizado en la ciudad de Mexico TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria PRENSA MECANICA BLISS 300 Toneladas Lados rectos, floor standing Mesa: 84" x 48" Shut height: 39.5", ajuste: 9", carrera: 9" Velocidad: 25/50 SPM Localizada en Mexico WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria LIQUIDACION DE EQUIPOS - TORNOS TRAUB JULIO 2024 Equipos en Venta: Tornos Traub, localizados en Mexico (2) Traub TC-15 $38,500.00 + IVA (1) Traub A-15 $44,000.00 + IVA (3) Traub A-25 $55,000.00 + IVA (2) Traub A-25 con cilindrador (preguntar precio) (1) Traub A-42 $88,000.00 + IVA Todos los equipos incluyen alimentador de barras, algunas levas y soportes. Pide precios por Whastsapp: 55-9185-7324 Tel: 55-9530-1503, 55-5517-1164 PRENSA MECANICA LADOS RECTOS CAPACIDAD: 400 TONELADAS WEINGARTEN 1982 Mesa: 2400mm x 1400mmAltura de cierre: 650mm Excelentes condiciones
Carrera: 450mm, Ajuste: 300mm Velocidad: 25-75 GPM Rolling Bolster Ventanas Laterales. Localizada en Mexico. Entrega inmediata WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 TEL: 55-9530-1503 Troyco Maquinaria EXCELENTE OPORTUNIDAD: PRENSA MECANICA LADOS RECTOS KOMATSU 300 TONELADAS
EXCELENTE Modelo: E2P-300
Mesa: 98" x 51.18", Ram: 98" x 47.20"
Altura de cierre: 40", Ajuste: 8.66" MOTORIZADO
Carrera: 7.98", Velocidad: 30-60 VSPM
Equipada con:
Guias de precision tipo plunger
High torque hydraulic clutch and brake
Contrabalanceo de aire
Sistema de lubricacion de precision de gibs con flujo controlado
Bolster 7" Ranurado en T
Slide de una sola pieza, reforzado
Sobrecarga hidraulica
Vibro floor pads
Ventanas 42"
Control Cieco Actualizado
Motor Drive de Velocidad Variable
PRECIO: US$114,900.00 ON LOC PRENSA MECANICA VERSON. 500 toneladas. Lados Rectos. Modelo: S1-500-96-48. Mesa: 96” x 48”. Carrera: 18”, Ajuste motorizado: 8”, Velocidad: 13-26 SPM. Contra Balanceo. Bolster ranurado en T, Cojin neumatico 83-2 ton. Carrera cojin: 9”, ventanas laterales. Motor: 100 hp,, 460V, 3fases. Dos unidades disponibles PRECIO: US$130,000.00 + IVA PRECIO SOBRE CAMION LOCALIZADA EN MEXICO DOS UNIDADES DISPONIBLES VENDIDA, GRACIAS COMPRESOR DE AIRE TIPO TORNILLO Capacidad 100 hp, Gardner Denver Modelo: #EAPQMC 125 PSI Separador Aceite / Agua Dos unidades disponibles 460V PRENSA MECANICA VERSON 800 TONELADAS - EXCELENTES CONDICIONES Mesa: 108" x 60" Altura de cierre: 39", Ajuste: 12" Carrera: 16" Velocidad: 20-40 GPM Ventanas laterales 36" (tbc) Unidad reconstruida y no fue puesta en produccion Precio: Preguntar por Whatsapp: 55-1845-8400 TORNO PARALELO PRECISE Volteo 14" Distancia entre puntos: 40" Nuevo en 2019 Localizado en Nuevo Leon, entrega inmediata LISTA DE PRENSAS DISPONIBLES ENERO 2024 TROYCO SA DE CV Tel: 55-9530-1503, 5517-1164 WHATSAPP: 55-9185-7324 VARIOUS LOCATIONS 100 ton Minster P2-100-48 Piece-Maker Press For Sale, Year 1975 Tonnage: 100 Stroke: 4 inches Shut Height: 18 inches Adjustment: 4 inches Bed Size: 48" LR x 31" FB Ram Area: 48" LR x 18.5" FB SPM: 75-150 150 ton Minster P2-150-54 Piece-Maker Used High Speed Mechanical Press For Sale Tonnage: 150 Stroke: 6 inches Shut Height: 23 inches Adjustment: 4 inches Bed Size: 54" x 40" Ram Area: 54" x 23" SPM: 45-90 VSPM 150 ton Niagara SC2-150-72-36 Straight Side Mechanical Press, New 1980 Tonnage: 150 Stroke: 8 inches Shut Height: 19.5 inches Adjustment: 9 inches Bed Size: 72" LR x 36" FB Ram Area: 72" LR x 36" FB SPM: 35-70 VSPM 150 ton Minster P2-150-60 Piece-maker Highspeed Press Tonnage: 150 Stroke: 6 inches Shut Height: 24 inches Adjustment: 4 inches Bed Size: 60" x 40" Ram Area: 60" x 23" SPM: 0-90 VSPM 150 ton Minster P2-150-54 Piece-Maker Highspeed Press Tonnage: 150 Stroke: 6 inches Shut Height: 23 inches Adjustment: 4 inches Bed Size: 54" x 40" Ram Area: 54" x 40" SPM: 45-90 150 ton Minster P2-150-54 Piece-Maker Highspeed Mechanical Press, New 1980 Tonnage: 150 Stroke: 6 inches Shut Height: 23 inches Adjustment: 4 inches Bed Size: 54" x 40" Ram Area: 54" x 40" SPM: 45-90 150 ton Minster P2-150-60 Piece-maker Highspeed Press Tonnage: 150 Stroke: 6 inches Shut Height: 24 inches Adjustment: 4 inches Bed Size: 60" x 40" Ram Area: 60" x 23" SPM: 45-90 150 ton Niagara SE2-150-72-48 Straight Side Press, New 1989 Tonnage: 150 Stroke: 10 inches Shut Height: 22.5 inches Adjustment: 9 inches Bed Size: 72" LR x 48" FB Ram Area: 72" LR x 48" FB SPM: 20-40 VSPM 150 Ton Blow SC2-150-60-36 Straight Side Press Tonnage: 150 Stroke: 6 inches Shut Height: 18 inches Adjustment: 4 inches Bed Size: 60" LR x 36" FB Ram Area: 60" LR x 36" FB SPM: 30-60 VSPM 150 Ton MINSTER P2-150-54 "Piece-Maker" Straight Side Press Tonnage: 150 Stroke: 5 inches Shut Height: 20 inches Adjustment: 4 inches Bed Size: 54" LR x 40" FB Ram Area: No specs attached SPM: 45-90 150 Ton Blow SC2-150-60-36 Straight Side Press Tonnage: 150 Stroke: 6 inches Shut Height: 18 inches Adjustment: 4 inches Bed Size: 60" LR x 36" FB Ram Area: 60" LR x 36" FB SPM: 30-60 VSPM 150 Ton MINSTER P2-150-54 "Piece-Maker" Straight Side Press Tonnage: 150 Stroke: 5 inches Shut Height: 20 inches Adjustment: 4 inches Bed Size: 54" LR x 40" FB Ram Area: No specs attached SPM: 45-90 200 ton Aida Straight Side Mechanical Stamping Press For Sale Model # NL2-200, Year 1986 Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 8 inches Shut Height: 23.7 inches Adjustment: 4 inches Bed Size: 61" x 37.4" Ram Area: 61" x 37.4" SPM: 40-100 VSPM 200 ton Minster E2-200-72-42 Hevi-stamper Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale, Year 1980 Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 10 inches Shut Height: 26 inches Adjustment: 6 inches Bed Size: 72" LR x 4" FB Ram Area: 72" LR x 42" FB SPM: 0-90 VSPM 200-ton Komatsu Model E2M200 Straight Side Metal Stamping Press For Sale, Year 1988 Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 5.9 inches Shut Height: 24.8 inches Adjustment: 3.9 inches Bed Size: 72.8 LR x 43.3 FB Ram Area: 72.8 LR x 35.4 FB SPM: 20-100 200-ton Komatsu Model E2M200 Straight Side Metal Stamping Press For Sale, Year 1988 Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 4.3 inches Shut Height: 24.8 inches Adjustment: 3.9 inches Bed Size: 72.8 LR x 43.3 FB Ram Area: 72.8 LR x 35.4 FB SPM: 60-150 200 ton Brown Boggs Straight Side Mechanical Press Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 8 inches Shut Height: 28 inches Adjustment: 6 inches Bed Size: 72" LR x 42" FB Ram Area: 72" LR x 42" FB SPM: 30-60 VSPM 200 ton Komatsu Single Point Gap Press #OBS200-2, New 1986 Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 9.84 inches Shut Height: 18.90 inches Adjustment: 4.72 inches Bed Size: 57.09" x 33.5" Ram Area: 33.5" x 25.6" SPM: 25-50 VSPM 200 ton Niagara SE2-200-72-42 UH, Used Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale, Year 1995 Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 6 inches Shut Height: 28 inches Adjustment: 9 inches Bed Size: 72" LR x 42" FB Ram Area: 72" LR x 42" FB SPM: 50-100 200 ton Aida PDA-20M Used Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale, Under Power! Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 5.9 inches Shut Height: 23.7 inches Adjustment: 5.9 inches Bed Size: 72.8" LR x 39.3" FB Ram Area: 72.8" LR x 39.3" FB SPM: 48-120 200 ton Niagara SC2-200-120-42 Straight Side Press Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 8 inches Shut Height: 26 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 120" LR x 42" FB Ram Area: 120" LR x 42" FB SPM: 20-40 VSPM 200 Ton Blow SC2-200-84-40 Straight Side Press, New 1992 Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 8 inches Shut Height: 30 inches Adjustment: 8 inches Bed Size: 84" LR x 40" FB Ram Area: 84" LR x 40" FB SPM: 0-100 VSPM 200 Ton Komatsu OBS-200 Press, New 1998 Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 5.51 inches Shut Height: 18.9 inches Adjustment: 4.72 inches Bed Size: 57.09" x 33.5" Ram Area: 33.5" x 25.6" SPM: 35-65 200 Ton Brown & Boggs SC2-200-96-42 Straight Side Press Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 8 inches Shut Height: 28 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 96" LR x 42" FB Ram Area: 96" LR x 42" FB SPM: 40-80 VSPM 200 Ton Minster G2-200 Double Crank Gap Press Adjustment: 8 inches Bed Size: 60" LR x 32" FB Ram Area: 60" LR x 30" FB SPM: 30 - 60 VSPM Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 8 inches Shut Height: 27 inches 200 Ton BLOW #10 C-Frame Press Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 4 inches Shut Height: 24.75 inches Adjustment: 4 inches Bed Size: 58" LR x 34" FB Ram Area: 43" LR x 28" FB SPM: 0 - 80 VSPM 200 Ton VERSON S2-200-96-60t Straight Side Press Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 14 inches Shut Height: 34 inches Adjustment: 15 inches Bed Size: 96" LR x 60" FB Ram Area: 96" LR x 60" FB SPM: 22 SPM 200 Ton BLISS SC2-200-96-48 Used Straight Side Press For Sale, Rebuild In Process 2023! Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 8 inches Shut Height: 30 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 96" LR x 48" FB Ram Area: 96" LR x 48" FB SPM: 35-70 VSPM 200 Ton Blow 10-OB, 12" Str, 20" SH on Bolster, 40 SPM, 58 x 34 Bed, Air Cushion Tonnage: 200 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 20 inches Adjustment: 4.5 inches Bed Size: 58" LR x 34" FB Ram Area: 48.5" LR x 28" FB SPM: 40 SPM 200 ton Aida NC1-200(1) Used Single Crank Mechanical OBS Press For Sale, Reconditioned! Tonnage: 220 Stroke: 6.29 inches Shut Height: 20.14 inches Adjustment: 4.33 inches Bed Size: 54.7 x 26.7 Ram Area: 34.6 x 25.5 SPM: 35-70 VSPM 200 ton Komatsu Servo Press Model H2F200 New 2003 Tonnage: 220 Stroke: 7.87 inches Shut Height: 31.63 inches Adjustment: 3.94 inches Bed Size: 72.8 x 37.4 Ram Area: 72.8 x 33.5 SPM: 48-88 250 ton Niagara Straight Side Mechanical Stamping Press Model# PN-250-84-42, Year 1991 Tonnage: 250 Stroke: 8 inches Shut Height: 23 inches Adjustment: 6 inches Bed Size: 84" LR x 42" FB Ram Area: 84" LR x 42" FB SPM: 15-30 VSPM 250 ton Minster E2-250-60 Hevistamper - Used High Speed Press For Sale Tonnage: 250 Stroke: 2 inches Shut Height: 20 inches Adjustment: 3 inches Bed Size: 60" x 44" Ram Area: 60" x 44" SPM: 100-200 250 Ton MINSTER E2-250-72-36 Hevi-Stamper Straight Side Press, New 1988 Tonnage: 250 Stroke: 4 inches Shut Height: 25 inches Adjustment: 6 inches Bed Size: 72" LR x 36" FB Ram Area: 72" LR x 36" FB SPM: 0-200 VSPM Highspeed Presses: Highspeed Press 250 ton Niagara SC2-250-60-36 Straight Side Press Tonnage: 250 Stroke: 4 inches Shut Height: 26 inches Adjustment: 11 inches Bed Size: 60" LR x 36" FB Ram Area: 60" LR x 36" FB SPM: 40-80 300-ton Niagara SE2-300-84-48 UH Year 1992 Tonnage: 300 Stroke: 8 inches Shut Height: 32 inches Adjustment: 11 inches Bed Size: 84" LR x 48" FB Ram Area: 84" LR x 48" FB SPM: 35-70 VSPM 300 ton Niagara SC2-300-72-42P 1980 Tonnage: 300 Stroke: 8 inches Shut Height: 27 inches Adjustment: 12 inches Bed Size: 72" LR x 42" FB Ram Area: 72" LR x 42" FB SPM: 30 - 60 VSPM 300 ton Eagle SC2-300-108-48 Straight Side Mechanical Press, New 1995 Tonnage: 300 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 38 inches Adjustment: 6 inches Bed Size: 108" LR x 48" FB Ram Area: 108" LR x 48" FB SPM: 25-50 VSPM 300 ton Bliss SC2-300-60-42 Used Straight Side Mechanical Press, Year 1997 Tonnage: 300 Stroke: 10 inches Shut Height: 27 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 60" x 42" Ram Area: 60" x 42" SPM: 25-50 SPM 300 Ton BLISS Model SC2-300-60-48, Used Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale Tonnage: 300 Stroke: 8 inches Shut Height: 42 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 60" LR x 48" FB Ram Area: 60" LR x 48" FB SPM: 30-60 VSPM 300 ton Komatsu E2P-300 Plunger Guided Straight Side Mechanical Tonnage: 300 Stroke: 7.98 inches Shut Height: 40 inches Adjustment: 8.66 inches Bed Size: 98" LR x 51.18" FB Ram Area: 98 LR x 47.2" FB SPM: 30-60 VSPM 300 Ton Verson S2-300-96-54t Used Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale Tonnage: 300 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 33 inches Adjustment: 6 inches Bed Size: 96" LR x 54" FB Ram Area: 96" LR x 54" FB SPM: 30 SPM 300 Ton Komatsu E2M-300 Straight Side Press Tonnage: 300 Stroke: 7.8 inches Shut Height: 29 inches Adjustment: 5.9 inches Bed Size: 59" LR x 47.9" FB Ram Area: 59" LR x 43" FB SPM: 30-90 VSPM 300 Ton Verson S2-300-96-54t Used Straight Side Press For Sale, Recondition in Process 2023 Tonnage: 300 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 39 inches Adjustment: 8 inches Bed Size: 96" LR x 54" FB Ram Area: 96" LR x 54" FB SPM: 15-30 VSPM 300 Ton Verson S2-300-96-54t Straight Side Press Tonnage: 300 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 37 inches Adjustment: 6 inches Bed Size: 96" LR x 54" FB Ram Area: 96" LR x 54" FB SPM: 25-30-40 SPM 400-ton Blow Press Model #SC2-400-96-54 Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale, Year 1994 Tonnage: 400 Stroke: 10 inches Shut Height: 35 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 96" LR x 54" FB Ram Area: 96" LR x 54" FB SPM: 30-60 VSPM 400-ton Blow Press Model #SC2-400-120-60 Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale, Year 2005 Tonnage: 400 Stroke: 10 inches Shut Height: 35 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 120" LR x 60" FB Ram Area: 120" LR x 60" FB SPM: 20-60 VSPM 400 ton Bliss SC2-400-84-48 Straight Side Mechanical Stamping Press For Sale, Year 1984 Tonnage: 400 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 30.5 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 84" LR x 48" FB Ram Area: 84" LR x 48" FB SPM: 30 SPM 400 ton Bliss SC2-400-84-48 Used Straight Side Double Crank Mechanical Press, New 1986 Tonnage: 400 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 39.5 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 84" LR x 48" FB Ram Area: 84" LR x 48" FB SPM: 25-50 VSPM 400 ton Brown Boggs Model SS2-400-120-60 Used Straight Side Mechanical Press, Rebuilt 2023! Currently In Process. Tonnage: 400 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 31 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 120" LR x 60" FB Ram Area: 120" LR x 60" FB SPM: 20-40 VSPM 400 ton Niagara BP2-400-60-48 Used Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale, Year 1988 Tonnage: 400 Stroke: 10 inches Shut Height: 31.5 inches Adjustment: 14 inches Bed Size: 60" LR x 48" FB Ram Area: 60" LR x 48" FB SPM: 20-60 VSPM 400 ton Blow SC2-400-84-48 Used Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale, New 1989 Tonnage: 400 Stroke: 10 inches Shut Height: 34 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 84" LR x 48" FB Ram Area: 84" LR x 48" FB SPM: 25-50 VSPM 400 ton Niagara BP2-400-84-48 Used Straight Side Mechanical Press, New 1980 Tonnage: 400 Stroke: 8 inches Shut Height: 31 inches Adjustment: 12 inches Bed Size: 84" LR x 48" FB Ram Area: 84" LR x 48" FB SPM: 35-70 VSPM 400 ton Bliss SC2-400-84-48 Used Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale, Year 1980, Good Running Press! Tonnage: 400 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 30.5 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 84" LR x 48" FB Ram Area: 84" LR x 48" FB SPM: 30 SPM 400 ton Minster E2-400-60-48 Hevi-Stamper Straight Side Press, Fully Reconditioned 2023 (In Process) Tonnage: 400 Stroke: 6 inches Shut Height: 28 inches Adjustment: 6 inches Bed Size: 60" x 48" Ram Area: 60" x 48" SPM: 35-70 VSPM 400 ton Niagara BP2-400-72-54 Used Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale, Year 1988 Tonnage: 400 Stroke: 5 inches Shut Height: 29 inches Adjustment: 14 inches Bed Size: 72" LR x 54" FB Ram Area: 72" LR x 54" FB SPM: 50-100 400 Ton Clearing S2-400-108-60 Straight Side Press Tonnage: 400 Stroke: 20 inches Shut Height: 60 inches Adjustment: 12 inches Bed Size: 108" LR x 60" FB Ram Area: 108" LR x 60" FB SPM: 20 SPM 500 ton Niagara SC2-500-108-48 Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale, Year 1988 Tonnage: 500 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 40 inches Adjustment: 15 inches Bed Size: 108" LR x 48" FB Ram Area: 108" LR x 48" FB SPM: 35-70 VSPM 500-ton Bliss SC2-500-108-60 Straight Side Mechanical Press, Year 1989 Full Rebuild In Process! Tonnage: 500 Stroke: 14 inches Shut Height: 44 inches Adjustment: 12 inches Bed Size: 108" LR x 60" FB Ram Area: 108" LR x 60" FB SPM: 20-50 VSPM 500 metric Ton Aida TMX-S2 Straight Side Double Crank Press, New 1995 Tonnage: 500 Stroke: 20 inches Shut Height: 45 inches Adjustment: 3.93 inches Bed Size: 153.5" LR x 47.3" FB Bed Area Ram Area: 153.5" LR x 43.3" FB Slide Area SPM: 15-30 VSPM 500 metric Ton Aida TMX-S2 Straight Side Double Crank Press, New 1995 Tonnage: 500 Stroke: 20 inches Shut Height: 45 inches Adjustment: 3.93 inches Bed Size: 153.5" LR x 47.3" FB Bed Area Ram Area: 153.5" LR x 43.3" FB Slide Area SPM: 15-30 VSPM 500 ton Bliss SC2-500-108-54 Used Straight Side Mechanical "Link Drive" Press, New 1989 Tonnage: 500 Stroke: 10 inches Shut Height: 32 inches Adjustment: 12 inches Bed Size: 108" LR x 54" FB Ram Area: 108" LR x 54" FB SPM: 30-60 500 ton Niagara SC2-500-96-48P Straight Side Press For Sale - Recondition In Process Tonnage: 500 Stroke: 8 inches Shut Height: 32 inches Adjustment: 8 inches Bed Size: 96 x 48 Ram Area: 96 x 48 SPM: 30-60 500 Ton Niagara BP2-500-84-48 Straight Side Press Tonnage: 500 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 42 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 84" LR x 48" FB Ram Area: 84" LR x 48" FB SPM: 20-40 VSPM 600 ton Niagara SC2-600-96-60 Used Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale, Year 1986 Tonnage: 600 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 44 inches Adjustment: 16 inches Bed Size: 96 x 60 Ram Area: 96 x 60 SPM: 20-40 VSPM 600 ton Verson S2-600-108-54t Used Straight Side Mechanical Press, New 1985. RECONDITION IN PROCESS 2023-24 Tonnage: 600 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 41.5 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 108" x 54" Ram Area: 108" x 54" SPM: 30-60 VSPM 600 Ton VERSON SE2-600-96-54t Straight Side Press Tonnage: 600 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 41 inches Adjustment: No specs attached inches Bed Size: 96" LR x 54" FB Ram Area: 96" LR x 54" FB SPM: 25-50 VSPM 800 TON VERSON SE2-800-108-60T STRAIGHT SIDE PRESS FOR SALE, PREVIOUSLY RECONDITIONED WITH UPDATED CIECO CONTROLS Tonnage: 800 Stroke: 16 inches Shut Height: 39 inches Adjustment: 12 inches Bed Size: 108" LR x 60" FB Ram Area: 108" LR x 60" FB SPM: 20-40 VSPM 800 ton Niagara Model# SE2-800-96-60, Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale, Rebuilt 2020 Tonnage: 800 Stroke: 12 inches Shut Height: 35 inches Adjustment: 18 inches Bed Size: 96 x 60 Ram Area: 96 x 60 SPM: 15-30 VSPM 800 ton Blow Press Model SC2-800-108-54 Used Straight Side Mechanical Press For Sale, Year 1995, Rebuilt in 2016 Tonnage: 800 Stroke: 10 inches Shut Height: 38 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 108" LR x 54" FB Ram Area: 108" LR x 54" FB SPM: 8-22 VSPM 800 Ton Verson LE4-800-120-60t, Link Drive Straight Side Press, New 1994 Tonnage: 800 Stroke: 30 inches Shut Height: 79 inches Adjustment: 2 inches Bed Size: 120" LR x 60" FB Ram Area: 120" LR x 60" FB SPM: 7-18 SPM 1000 ton Verson S4-1000-120-72t Used Straight Side Press For Sale, (3) available Tonnage: 1000 Stroke: 24 inches Shut Height: 60 inches Adjustment: 14 inches Bed Size: 120" x 72" Ram Area: 120" x 72" SPM: 13-26 VSPM 1000 ton Verson S1-1000-48-42t Straight Side Single Crank Press Tonnage: 1000 Stroke: 16 inches Shut Height: 50 inches Adjustment: 10 inches Bed Size: 48" x 42" Ram Area: 48" x 42" SPM: 22 GRUA VIAJERA 1 TONELADA Grua viajera con polipasto de 1 toneladas, con marco de 10 metros. Control completo con todas las funciones Ruedas motorizadas en las patas del marco para desplazamiento. Muy buenas condiciones ALIMENTADOR NEUMATICO CON ENDEREZADOR MARCA AIR FEEDS INC 30" Ancho x 24" acance x 190" espesor Enderezador de 5 rodillos PRECIO: US$5,520.00 Muy buenas condiciones FOB MICHIGAN Si requiere asistencia para importarlo, podemos ayudarle: ALIMENTADOR NEUMATICO MARCA JAYBIRD 18" ancho x 48" avance x .140" espesor 50 golpes por minuto maximo Muy buenas condiciones PRECIO: US$2,950.00 FOB MICHIGAN Si requiere asistencia para importarlo, podemos ayudarle: PRENSA HIDRAULICA 800 TON Marca Fluidica Mesa: 2800mm x 2000mm (110" x 78.7") Daylight: 1600mm (63") Max / 400mm (15.7") Stroke: 1200mm (47") Cushion: 300 ton, Stroke: 450mm, Area: 914mm x 610mm (36" x 24") Velocidades: Acercamiento 300mm/seg (708IPM), Trabajo: 10-15mm/seg (23.6 - 35 IPM) / Retorno: 300mm/seg (708 IPM) 2 motores 60hp + 1 motor 5hp Prsion Maxima: 3000PSI 440V Unidad Nueva, entrega inmediata Localizada en Mexico EQUIPOS DISPONIBLES
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